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Bridge of Hope Bridge of Hope Partners The Center for Moral Clarity Chrisitian Education City Harvest Network World Harvest Church Give Today!
Desperate hunger crisis!

Emergency Hunger Response
Help save lives ... and be blessed!

"He who gives to the poor will not lack," says Proverbs 28:27. Place yourself in position to receive promised blessings of abundance and help save lives and feed hungry children in Sudan!

Floods are ravaging some of the most impoverished areas of eastern Africa — 50,000 homes destroyed — entire villages submerged — crops destroyed!

Please prayerfully consider giving a generous tax-deductible contribution toward our Bridge of Hope outreaches, in Africa and beyond — wherever children and families are hungry.

When you give today, you will help feed children like Alec Garang – an 8 year old girl whose brittle skin and red hair tell us how malnourished she is. Her mother told our Bridge of Hope ministry team, "We never eat enough". The only food Alec's mother is able to make is, "soup by boiling leaves in dirty water."

Lets put an end to this hunger crisis now!

Your generosity will touch lives in Jesus' name while helping Pastor Parsley preach the Gospel to a lost and hurting world through our Breakthrough television broadcast.

Just $24 can help feed a starving child like Alec for an entire month! $48 can help feed an entire family! And remember, God has promised that when you give to the poor you will not lack! Activate that promise in your life now, and give today. Thank you!

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